Welcome to the CGTC Skills Team Conference page!

If you have landed here you are likely at, or have been to, a conference or event. You may have been speaking with a member of the CGTC team or you may have scanned a QR code. Thank you for your interest in skills development within C&C, AT and beyond. This page aims to give you quick and easy information and access to our award-winning skills development offers. Click on the links below to read more and please do sample some of our innovative skills development products.

ATSTN The Career Converter

  • Support your recruitment process
  • Identify candidates’ skills gaps
  • Find best training and resources

ATSTN Online Training Platform

  • 600+ courses, 46% free
  • Introductory to advanced levels
  • Access on the go via app

ATSTN National Training Centres

  • State-of-the-art facilities
  • Introductory to advanced levels
  • Courses delivered by industry experts

Advanced Therapies Apprenticeship Community

Everything we have created has been coordinated by CGTC and powered by collaboration and partnership with industry. Our vision is to support a thriving industry through developing skills, driving growth, and delivering excellence.

*To access the Online Training Platform, you will need to register for a licence. This resource is currently open to UK-based organisations with a view to becoming available to international colleagues in due course.





Ready for more?

To find out more about the ATSTN and ATAC initiatives, or to discuss how either could support your business, leave your details below and a specialist from our team will be in touch.