About the Advanced Therapies Skills Training Network


About the ATSTN

Backed by £4.7 million in funding from the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and Innovate (IUK), the Advanced Therapies Skills Training Network (ATSTN) has been developed as a national initiative to drive growth across the advanced therapies and vaccine manufacturing industry, through offering access to training facilities and an online training platform which can address the UK’s demand for skills.

The industry-need

Employment in the UK cell and gene therapy industry is anticipated to grow by 63% by 2028, equating to a total workforce of 10,161 employees. These additional roles have wide-ranging benefits, not only for the individuals employed in the sector but for the UK economy as a whole. Through increasing the connectivity of existing industry related training resources, whilst building new pathways, educational programmes and specific training content, the ATSTN is able to support the uptake of new talent from different sectors whilst upskilling existing staff to minimise these present skill gaps. Through increasing the connectivity of existing industry related training resources, whilst building new pathways, educational programmes and specific training content, the ATSTN is able to support the uptake of new talent from different sectors whilst upskilling existing staff to minimise these present skill gaps.

Online Training Platform

Easily develop and enhance your skillset remotely. Discover the vast range of courses and learning assets available to begin and/or progress throughout your career.


Skills and Training Laboratories

Our new Skills and Training​ Laboratories (STL) offer access to state-of-the-art facilities, equipment ​and technology and provide onboarding and upskilling solutions to​ a range of organisations.